Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Impatience...and Technology.

I've learned something about myself today.  I'm extremely impatient.  I've always known that I don't like to wait, but now I know...it goes deeper than that!  I've had a few things go wrong today, all of which took some time to get straightened out.  Every minute it took to fix these things made me more and more angry.  The most recent problem was with the satellite.  I decided to re-start something I had recorded.  Apparently the satellite didn't want to go back to the beginning of what I was watching.  I mean, it refused to rewind!  I was growing more and more frustrated, and this led to me pushing more and more buttons, until finally--the satellite rebelled.  It just completely froze up on me.  This caused me to get even more angry!  I kept pushing buttons and turning the TV on and off.  The satellite was really frozen.  It wouldn't do anything!  I mean it was stuck.  It finally shut off and had to go through this whole rebooting process that took forever.  While I waited for the satellite to reboot, I realized.  If I had just been patient, I could have figured out the problem and been watching my show about 20 minutes sooner.  I'm going to have to work on this!

So, today was my first day off from work where I didn't have anything planned.  It's my fourth week of working ten hour shifts, but every week I had something to do on my dayoff.  The first week I stayed with my aunt after her surgery.  The second and third week were a Friday and Monday and I was in West Memphis with my family.  This week the only thing I had to do was take my dog to the vet.  I was finished with that by 9:30, so I just came home and relaxed.  It was fabulous!  While I was home enjoying my day off, I took a fantastic nap.  I slept over two hours and had to force myself to wake up.  I just couldn't wake up it felt so good to be asleep!  After my nap I finally broke down and watched the movie Twilight.  Everyone keeps talking about how great it is, and I've had more people than I can count have told me I have to read the series of books.  Ordinarily, I don't get into that sort of stuff.  Fantasy-type stuff just isn't my style.  Well, I have to admit, the movie wasn't half bad.  It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but it kept me interested.

As I type this, I'm still trying to figure out how to work all the features of my new BlackBerry pearl.  Speaking of impatience...it's happening again!  I'm usually pretty technology-savvy.  I don't know what the deal is lately though.  First, it took me forever to figure out my iPod touch.  I finally got the hang of that, but now I can't figure out this phone!  So I guess it's true...the older you get, the less you understand about technology.   

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