Thursday, September 10, 2009

That tasty Filet-O-Fish

Meet "hoki." Actually, this is a hoki fish, which is found in the pacific ocean (so deep the sun doesn't reach!). Just thought you'd like to meet the substance of your favorite McDonald's sandwich, the Filet-O-Fish. Also the main component of many of your favorite fish stick brands!

Note: I have never-nor do I have any plans to-consume a filet-o-fish sandwich or fish sticks. YUCK!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Football...and sickness...

For the first time in my life, I'm actually a little excited about football season starting. Not that I'm expecting an awesome season. I doubt the Razorbacks will be amazing this year, but it is kind of exciting. When football season starts, it means the start of fall. It means cooler weather and holidays are on the way. Yep, football season brings with it my favorite time of the year: FALL!!! The Razorbacks did do pretty well today...48-10 against Missouri State. Now if we can just keep that up in our conference games...
Something has really irritated me this year. Every time I've made plans to go somewhere out of town, something always keeps me from going. One of these times I stayed home because I wanted to and because it was the right thing for me to do, but the others were not my decision. Either the trip was cancelled, or plans changed with no one being kind enough to let me know, or someone got sick. This time I was supposed to go out of town and I got sick! I'm hoping it's not the flu, but whatever it is, I feel horrible! Only thing I know is, it is just not meant for me to go anywhere this year! My next *planned* trip is for the first weekend in October, I'm hoping this one actually HAPPENS!! Oh well...I'm focusing on the good stuff...3 more days off and 10 days until Ava comes!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

5 Months??

I can't believe it's been 5 months since I've posted anything. It's not like I have anything all that exciting to write about...I've been so busy, but who hasn't?

  • My best friend is expecting my God-daughter and the date is set! September 15 I will be an AUNT! Well, the closest I'll ever be to being an aunt anyway!
  • I've officially been an RN for one year. Had my 1-year evaluation today. It went very well, no negative comments were made. The only bad thing is that I was put on a committee...but hey, why not? I got a 3.78% raise...I'm so blessed to be getting bonuses and raises during such stressful financial times.
  • I get to go to Dallas October 3-6 for the Arkansas-Texas A&M game at the new Dallas Cowboys stadium. Should be a fun time, even if we are gonna get clobbered!

Last, but certainly not least, I'm going to talk about something very important to me. A new church has been planted in Maumelle. I decided, after 14 years, to leave my church and join this new one after a lot of prayer and sleepless nights. I am truly blessed to be a part of this new church. It's amazing! Anyone and everyone who would like to come, please do! Even if you just want to visit... Services are at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday morning! Hope to see you there!

"For you have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings. Selah."
--Psalm 61:3-4