Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gone so fast...

Why do the weekends fly by and the work week always goes so SLOW??? The same time every Sunday, about 6 or so, I start getting the back to work blues. I start dreading it with MAJOR intensity. I don't know why. It's no different from any weeknight as far as having to go to work the next day...I just dread going back to work on Monday the most. And Mondays aren't even the worst days at work. That would be Fridays generally. It is a little easier now that I only work 4 days a week. This week I will work 2 days and I'm off Wednesday, then I'll work Thursday and Friday. At least I'm not facing 5 straight days of work! It is wonderful having that one day off thrown in! And if I can just get through this week, I only have to work 3 days next week and I get a 4 day weekend! And I get another 4 day weekend the following week! I just have to keep telling myself it's not so bad. I don't know what it is about Sunday night!!! I wish the weekend lasted longer!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stormy Night

I love a good thunderstorm. Except when they get dangerous, like they're doing tonight! There's been a tornado in Mena, apparently. I hope everyone is ok. I love to hear the thunder and the rain. I wonder why something that has the potential to be deadly stirs so much excitement in me (and many others). It isn't that exciting. Storms are not good. Yet I love it. I get nervous when they mention tornadoes, but there is still something exciting about it. I've never really thought about it that much, but now that I have, it seems insane!

I hear the thunder rumbling in the distance. It's getting closer. Must be moving fast!

I'm dreading tomorrow with a passion. I really don't want to go to work. I love Friday nights, but I hate Fridays at work. They are always TOO busy and understaffed. I'm not looking forward to not having a chance to catch my breath, as I'm sure will be the case. I'll just have to mark the hours until I'm able to get out of there! ONE MORE DAY then, praise the LORD, it'll finally be the weekend.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Good News for Allison! Not So Good for Scott...

I saw something on the Yahoo headline feed that caught my eye. For those of you who don't know, I'm kind of a sea turtle enthusiast. I don't study them or anything, I've just always found them fascinating and incredibly cute. Seeing sea turtles in the wild was one of the highlights of my trip to Hawaii last year. This particular sea turtle, Allison, lives in South Padre Island, Texas and is 5 years old (they can live to be 150!). She only has one flipper, which has caused her to only be able to swim in circles until she receieved a "flipper prosthesis." It's actually a black neoprene suit with a carbon-fiber dorsal fin. Apparently it works well, and she is able to swim normally with the other turtles. Good for Allison. What a neat idea. I'm glad someone took the time and effort to give Allison a better chance at a "normal life" for a turtle! If you want to read the full article, you can here:;_ylt=AgIhiX2z17th7fcHG7ccEWJsaMYA

In other news, I was shown just how wimpy and weak I am today. This is my first week in burn surgery, and I prepped the patient's leg to be worked on. It's amazing how much just a leg can weigh. It took all my strength to lift it and then hold it while the surgeon and scrub tech draped the field. My arm is so sore already, and it will probably be worse tomorrow...I'm going to have to start some strength training or something. I have enough limitations as far as what I can do and can't do. I already know that I won't be able to continue this job forever, I just have too many issues. I just hope I can hang in there as long as I can and I don't get hurt again in the process...

Poor Scott MacIntyre got sent home on American Idol. He was one of my favorites as a person. He seems like a sweet guy, and on the piano he is incredibly talented. I do have to say, though, that his voice was not near the caliber of some of the others in the competition. I loved him and thought he was a cutie pie, but I think the judges were right not using the save on him. There was just no way he was going to beat the (in my opinion) top 3: Adam, Danny, and Allison. I'm not saying these are my favorites, I just feel like the winner will be one of these three. Adam and Allison seem to be in a league of their own if we're basing this solely on vocal skill.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Miss Minnie

This is Minnie.  I had to take Allie to the vet today to get her shots and little Minnie was there.  My aunt (who works at the vet) is puppy sitting for her this week.  I guess this is right on schedule.  I've been doing fine, but every once in a while, I really get a hankering for a new puppy!  The last time I wanted one was when Cuddles, the dog I had my whole life until I was 15, was getting old.  Now my dogs are starting to get up there in years, and I'm starting to want a new puppy again!  I'll be out of my parents house sometime this year, and when I get out, I won't have anyone around to tell me no if this "need" for a new puppy gets worse!  I'm going to have to learn some self-control before I move out or else my place will be a menagerie!  I know this because I would also like to get a bunny and an aquarium with tropical fish...oh boy.

Impatience...and Technology.

I've learned something about myself today.  I'm extremely impatient.  I've always known that I don't like to wait, but now I goes deeper than that!  I've had a few things go wrong today, all of which took some time to get straightened out.  Every minute it took to fix these things made me more and more angry.  The most recent problem was with the satellite.  I decided to re-start something I had recorded.  Apparently the satellite didn't want to go back to the beginning of what I was watching.  I mean, it refused to rewind!  I was growing more and more frustrated, and this led to me pushing more and more buttons, until finally--the satellite rebelled.  It just completely froze up on me.  This caused me to get even more angry!  I kept pushing buttons and turning the TV on and off.  The satellite was really frozen.  It wouldn't do anything!  I mean it was stuck.  It finally shut off and had to go through this whole rebooting process that took forever.  While I waited for the satellite to reboot, I realized.  If I had just been patient, I could have figured out the problem and been watching my show about 20 minutes sooner.  I'm going to have to work on this!

So, today was my first day off from work where I didn't have anything planned.  It's my fourth week of working ten hour shifts, but every week I had something to do on my dayoff.  The first week I stayed with my aunt after her surgery.  The second and third week were a Friday and Monday and I was in West Memphis with my family.  This week the only thing I had to do was take my dog to the vet.  I was finished with that by 9:30, so I just came home and relaxed.  It was fabulous!  While I was home enjoying my day off, I took a fantastic nap.  I slept over two hours and had to force myself to wake up.  I just couldn't wake up it felt so good to be asleep!  After my nap I finally broke down and watched the movie Twilight.  Everyone keeps talking about how great it is, and I've had more people than I can count have told me I have to read the series of books.  Ordinarily, I don't get into that sort of stuff.  Fantasy-type stuff just isn't my style.  Well, I have to admit, the movie wasn't half bad.  It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but it kept me interested.

As I type this, I'm still trying to figure out how to work all the features of my new BlackBerry pearl.  Speaking of's happening again!  I'm usually pretty technology-savvy.  I don't know what the deal is lately though.  First, it took me forever to figure out my iPod touch.  I finally got the hang of that, but now I can't figure out this phone!  So I guess it's true...the older you get, the less you understand about technology.